SOMEDAY… is the word that repeatedly ran through my mind as I looked at the bare walls of our first little starter home. Don’t get me wrong, I was so grateful to no longer be a member of the "Pay Your Rent Club" and to actually own our 1500 square feet of tiny bedrooms, vinyl siding, and baby blue carpet.

I vividly remember the first room I dared to paint. It was my son’s bedroom and the color I chose was Bungalow Beige. After the first coat of paint, the walls looked HORRIBLE! I could see the roller marks and bits of the original paint color peeking through everywhere. So I desperately sent a quick prayer to the DIY Gods and started on a second coat

After my second lap around the room, I stood back and surveyed my work. There were still a few roller marks and I definitely needed to touch up some of the trim but…the transformation was amazing!

I know what you’re thinking. “What’s the big deal?” “You just painted some walls.” And yet, for me…that first DIY project was LIFE-CHANGING. Not only was I in love with the new wall color, I was also in love with DIY and the knowledge that I could change something old and outdated into something that I loved. I was hooked, and DIY became one of my passions.

After 20+ years of DIY experience. I’ve built 2 homes(owner-builder), constructed furniture, remodeled rooms, and painted countless items…walls, furniture, floors, stucco, etc. I decided to turn my passion for DIY and Paint Colors into a business and Simplee DIY was born!

Now, I'm excited to share my expertise and help you create the home of your dreams.